Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Joy Clair New Release Blog Hop Day 2

Hello crafty friends!
So glad you are here and joining us for the Joy Clair Designs New Release blog hop once again! If you missed day 1, you can go back through and enjoy the fabulous inspiration and specials!
So for day 2, if you have been following the hop, you should have come from Donna's Blog. The complete hop line up is below.

Here is my completed project. It is a top folding A2 card featuring the My Heart set.

Here is the complete hop lineup. You don't want to miss out on the prize and great inspiration!

Melinda - You're HERE
Lindsay Go HERE NEXT

Stamp Set Used

As always, thank you so much for sharing your crafty time with me! Be sure to hop through and see what the rest of the designers have created. Until tomorrow, have a wonderfully crafty day!


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