Monday, April 28, 2014

Treasured Moments Layout

Happy Monday crafty friends,
I hope you had a chance to get some crafting done this weekend. For those that are following along with the Psalms reading for the counting of the Omer, here is today’s passage.
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65 You have dealt well with Your servant, 
O Lord, according to Your word. 
66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge, 
For I believe Your commandments. 
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray, 
But now I keep Your word. 
68 You are good, and do good; 
Teach me Your statutes. 
69 The proud have forged a lie against me, 
But I will keep Your precepts with my whole heart. 
70 Their heart is as fat as grease, 
But I delight in Your law. 
71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted, 
That I may learn Your statutes. 
72 The law of Your mouth is better to me 
Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.
Psalms 119: 65-72

Whew….what a passage of scripture. Some of it is hard to hear. Being a part of “mainstream” Christianity here in my beloved country the USA. Many teach that God is love….period….which for many may mean we should never suffer, have afflictions or discipline. We have a tendency to gloss over the idea, notion that we go through things and at the end, one major benefit to the trial is a closer relationship with out Lord and Savior Yeshua….Jesus Christ....refinement.

I have been praying for several people who are facing some really challenging health issues. A couple of people have some severe cancers, even one of my past teammates is currently going through chemo. As I prayed for them and others going through some emotionally and financially devastating trials, I was reminded of a couple songs. I found a video for one on You Tube. I am sharing the link in hopes that you will take a few minutes and listen and read the lyrics and find encouragement for whatever you or someone else you know may be going through. I hope it blesses your heart, the way it blesses mine.

 So here is my crafty project for today. A two page scrapbook layout I created with the Ivy Lane Paper Pack and coordinating  Ivy Lane Complements set.  I used my Art Philosophy cartridge for the cuts.
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Here is a view of my completed layout. The decorative elements all came from the complements set.

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Here is a closer look at the pretty flowers. I cut the doily in some plain black cardstock. It can be found on page 68. I cut it at 8” The flowers were cut at sizes 1.5, 1.75 and 2”. I simply staggered and layered them. The flower can be found on page 50 of the handbook. I just added some gems to the centers. The green circle was cut at 5.75” and can be found page 21. Lastly, I cut the letters at 1.5”.

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Here is a closer look at one of the elements that come in the complements set. It is a pre-printed sticker. I like that it is a bit heavier weight. I simply added some foam tape to the back to give it just a bit of lift and done.

Products Used For This Project
Cricut Expression
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Ivy Lane Paper Pack

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Sparkles Clear Asst.
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tape runner-200
As this month draws to a close, don't forget to sign up for the great promotion
Close To My Heart is having.  CLICK HERE for details

Well crafty friends, I think this about covers it for today. As always, thank you so much for sharing some of your crafty time with me. Don't forget to come back by tomorrow as I share another fun project and hopefully some more great crafty inspiration. Until then,


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