Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Springs Of Living Water Pazzles Craft Room Layout and Card

Hello crafty friends, 
Today I am sharing a layout I created with a spring theme for my Pazzles Design Team. I know so many can't wait for spring to get here. It has been a long, cold winter. So I made this layout with my brother and sister in law in mind. They recently moved up north and have endured leaving behind sunshine and flip flops to one of the harshest and coldest winters in recent memory. :-(

I cut the flowers and leaves and inked their edges for a little dimension. I like laying out everything in my software before I cut and or cut and print so I know exactly what size everything needs to be. I used the beautiful DCWV Butterfly Garden paper for the background. That one piece of paper really adds so much life to the background. I love that some of the papers in each stack are like this. Perfect really! I used the following Pazzles craft room files.

I then used my software to type set the scriptures as well as the title. I printed them out and then cut them with my pazzles. I was even able to lay out my picture and save ink by using my software to layout an oval and a white mat around the picture so that when I printed out the picture only the oval part of the picture would actually print. 

Here’s a screen shot to show you what I mean. I simply made the “grey” frame all white when printing. I made it gray in this screen shot to show you.

Here’s what it looked like when I was ready to print.

Here's a closer look at the pretty flowers. I cut them and then inked them with the various inks in the Adventure ink pad set from Close To My Heart.

Here’s a closer look at the title. I simply set the words in a circle and then did a print n’ cut in my pazzles….easy peasy

Here is a closer look at one of the two scriptures. I used the Tulip flourish file. I did weld some of the pieces together from the original file so that it would cut in one continuous piece. I wanted to use the file this way and the separated pieces wouldn't have worked.

In case you can’t read the scripture. I used Isaiah 58:11
And the Lord will continually guide you, 
And satisfy your desire in scorched places, 
And give strength to your bones; 
And you will be like a watered garden, 
And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Here is the second scripture I used: Jeremiah 33:15
In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch of David to spring forth; and He shall execute justice and righteousness on the earth.

Personal note: I used these scriptures because they spoke so strongly about my beloved brother and his family. As I said before, they recently moved to a different part of the country and it has been such a change. I miss them being around the corner so as I was creating this layout, I thought these two scriptures really speak of them and their lives. So to Dave and Tanya, I sure do miss you and the family  (big puddle of tears under the happy face).

Additional supplies

White, Teal, Tangerine, Pink, Yellow and Sunbeam Cardstock.
Kraft cardstock from Hobby Lobby for card below
Misc. Ribbon for card below.

As I was cutting out all of my flower pieces, I had plenty of extra pieces, so I decided to create this card

Once again I used some of the same pretty DCWV Butterfly Garden paper stack for the background. I used some kraft paper for the base and then did the same inking on the various flower pieces. I finished off the bottom with some pretty lavender iridescent ribbon and a little pearl in the center. There is no sentiment on this yet because I wasn’t sure what I would be using it for….Passover, general hello or for a possible spring birthday card…anyway…waste not want not so it is ready to go

Lastly, I wanted to share the scriptures and title I made. The download includes each one in 300 dpi jpg format. 

Free until 4-9-14

Well, I think that about covers it for today. Be sure to head over to the Pazzles Craft Room and check out the thousands of files available for every project under the sun! Thank you so much for sharing your crafty time with me!


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