Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CWC #137: The Letter "S"

Happy Wednesday!  Welcome to our weekly "Crafts With Cartridges" challenge -- our post today is brought to you by the letter "S."  LOL!  Our Design Team was asked to use a die-cut or cartridge that begins with the letter "S."  And here is what this group of talented ladies came up with . . .

Cricut cartridges used:  Spongebob Squarepants and Winter Frolic

Cricut cartridge used:  Sophie

Cricut cartridges used:  Summer Bliss, Simply Sweet (inside of card),
Paper Doll Dress Up and Everyday Paper Dolls

Cricut cartridges used:  Storybook and Shall We Dance

Cricut cartridge used:  Wild Card -- the "S" here is the sun!

Cindy used Cricut's Stand & Salute cartridge for her card.
(That handsome guy is Cindy's son and Madison's brother, Dalton, who is
keeping us safe in the U.S. Navy.  Congrats on your recent promotion, Dalton,
and thank you for your service!)

Cindy & Madison's Blog
And Madison used the Cricut Sports Mania cartridge for her card.

Cricut cartridges used:  Summer Vacation and Pack Your Bags

Cricut cartridges used:  Serenade and Cricut Craft Room Basics

Details Post (Coming Soon)
Cricut Cartridge Used: Sweet Treats

Great projects, ladies!  Now, normally this is where we'd tell you how to link up your "S" project . . . however, because summer is such a busy time with kids out of school, vacations, and all that fun in the sun, we have discontinued our link-up party for a bit.  So enjoy the break and don't forget to come back Thursday for Totally Tags 'n ATC Thursdaze and Friday for our Digi Dessert Fridaze and FREE Digi!

Thanks so much for spending your crafty time with us!

~ Jen and the MPC Design Team


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