Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Love You 1st Card of 2024

Hey crafty friends,
So glad you stopped in today! Happy New Year! 2023 is in the books! I hope it was a good year for you. However, I hope 2024 will be a GREAT year for you. Stay tuned because one of my big goals for this year is to get some SERIOUS crafting done! I am all in again baby! So here is my card for today.
I started by die cutting the sweet little reindeer w sled die cut pieces in...you guessed it. White cardstock. I then colored my pieces in. I also cut the hearts out of the slineline die and colored those in as well.  I then cut out a scalloped oval mat from some white paper. I sliced it in half. 
In this above photo off to the right, you can also see where I used one of the cute little bow die cut pieces from the little Reindeer w Sled die cut and cut off the long strand or piece from the little bow. It was one of the pieces of the present, but I used it for the little reindeer's collar. I didn't use the bell because I thought it was a little to "christmasy". 

I then created a pink paper mat for my double stitched mat that I was going to be using. Here is a pic of the pink mat.

I attached the two halves of the scalloped white oval to the bottom of the pink mat. You can also see in the photo that I lightly inked the edges with my blue ink.

Here is a view of the attached scalloped die pieces from the back of the pink mat.

Here is a shot of the pink mat with my little "snow mounds" once it was attached to my double stitched rectangle mat. It is always so satisfying to use your die cuts in unconventional ways. It makes you feel like you are getting a little more mileage out of your tools and save a few pennies by not having to by absolutely every crafty tool out there...lol!

Here is a close up of the sweet little reindeer and his sled loaded down with a ton o' love (hearts) to give. I finished off my card by adding the Love You die sentiment to the bottom. I used some cute Doodlebug patterned paper for the background mat.  My finised card is an A2 size, top folding with a "landscape" size.

Dies Used For This Project

Well, that about covers it for today. Be sure to come back real soon. You will want to keep up with my crafty adventures!  Don't forget to find me on social media too! Links are below.
Until the next time, have a wonderfully crafty day!


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