Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Break Up Sale....30% OFF!!!

Hello crafty friends,
I haven’t posted in a bit as I have been busy working on some fun upcoming things….plus I was pretty sick too!  But I had to hop on here and share about the fantastic sale that Fun Stampers Journey is having!  It is called the Breakup Sale!  It features a TON of products from their current catalog that will be going away at the end of June or once they are sold out!  The best part….they are all a whopping 30% OFF!!! That’s right!  That is a fantastic savings!
Here are some projects made with some of the products!


Cinco De Mayo Stamp Set

CLICK HERE for the PDF FILE. Below is the list!

Be sure to head over and get your shopping done! I will be back soon with another post, until then, have a wonderfully crafty day!


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