Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New year crafty friends!
I hope 2015 will be a good year for you and yours. I pray the Lord will bless you and keep you. I am really looking forward to 2015 for a few reasons. I know the Lord is going to move in new and profound ways like we have never seen before. I know that I have several tough challenges ahead in this year of “renewal and release” but I have every confidence in Jehovah Nissi, my banner! As with most beginnings, it is a time of reflection on the past as well as a time to focus and organize with thoughts of moving forward. I am going to be moving my crafty life in a new direction with renewed focus and some wonderful crafty inspiration. Stay tuned for a fun, inspiring and informative crafty 2015.

January 2015 Stamp of the Month
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As you may or may not know, I am a Close To My Heart Consultant. One of my 2015 goals is to be a better and CONSISTENT consultant. So to that end, you can expect me to show case the Stamp of the Month stamps each month with some great ideas and even some special incentives.

Double Hostess Rewards Promotion
Book a gathering in January with me and you could earn up to double the hostess rewards. If you don’t live close to me, no problem, we can book an online party. Just contact me and I will let you know how easy it is to setup and then you just invite your friends to  order and earn some great crafty products!!! I will be offering extra special incentives for you hosting an online gathering this month too! CLICK HERE for complete details!

Celebrate National Paper Crafting
Month With Some Extra Goodies
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Get the exclusive Noted Paper Kit for only $5 with your qualifying purchase and you can also add the new My Creations Mini Album for only $5! Check out details on these products. Plus, when you purchase through my link, I will be offering an additional incentive. Check out the corporate video showcasing what you get in this kit!

Put A Little Love In All your Projects
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With Valentine’s Day only weeks away, it is not too early to think about getting some cards and favors ready for your loved ones. From treat bags, to cards and layouts, there is no shortage of products that will help you get all the “fun stuff” done with a lot of love!

Fantastic Card Making Kit
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Check out this wonderful card kit! Perfect for sending all the loved ones on your list a special note of love and appreciation! Includes the paper, stamps, embellishments, envelopes and a full color step by step guide!  Check it out HERE

These are just some of the highlights of all the fantastic crafty goodness available! I will be sharing projects and additional how-to’s all month long to celebrate National Paper Crafting Month. So stay tuned! Be sure to stop back by tomorrow as I kick it off with a pretty card featuring the SOTM set and a custom SVG cut! Until then,


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