Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Con “GRAD” ulations Poster

My daughter recently graduated from high school. I couldn’t be more proud of the fine young lady she has grown into. It was a low key celebration as we don’t have too much family in the area, so I made this poster and wanted to share it with everyone.
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Here’s a look at the entire poster. I used a piece of foam board that was already colored blue. I started with blue as I thought I would do things in blue and silver which her school colors. After consulting her, she didn't want the blue and silver theme so I ended up adding some “color” to it….lol The overall size is 20” x 30” a standard piece of foam board.  One of the nice things about the pazzles software is that you can design according to your finished size. You simply create a new file with the sizes you want. I do this a lot when I am working on a two page layout. I adjust my size to 24 x12 and then go from there. Doing this allowed me to layout the letters and then copy them over to a 12 x 12 size for cutting and I knew exactly how it was going to layout.

cakes cu-480
Here is a closer look at some of the yummy goodness I created.  To make this bottom image, I created it all in my Pazzles software. Once I had the final size, I exported it to a jpg. Then I took that jpg image and opened it up in my Microsoft Publisher software. I did this because this software has a feature for “poster printing” It allows you to layout out your larger print and then it will automatically “slice” up your image to print on however many sheets of letter size paper. The great thing about this feature is that it prints a little “overlap” where it knows you will have a seam. This allows you to cut one side of the image to where it printed up to and then you can lay it on top of the “overlap: and create an almost seamless look very easily! This print out too three sheets of letter size paper so it had two seams. In the above photo you see where I added some shading to the cake slice using my copic markers as well as some of my Pebbles dry decorator chalks. I also used some stickles, white dimensional paint and some distress stickles for the cake, Bundt cake and pie tops.

cake slice cu-480
Here’s a closer look at the cake slice. You can see for parts of the cake, I used some of the Bazzil textures that come in the Pazzles software. This printed out nicely giving the cake some texture. I again used some white dimensional paint for the frosting.

by becca cu-480
Here is a closer look at the lettering. I used some Stickles midnight blue to go over the lettering to give it just a little extra shine.

Here’s a closer look at the cute little cupcakes, cookies cake and whisk. Again, I used my markers, chalks and stickles to add to the printed images.

Here is a closer look at the letters. I used some of the DCWV Glitter paper in black for the letters and the animal print paper is from the Neon Chic stack…Love my stacks!!!

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Here is one last look at my completed poster. She really liked it and put it in her room Smile

Products Used For This Project

pazzles-cutter-200 dcwv glitzy glitter stack-200
DCWV Glitzy
Glitter Stack

dcwv neon chick stack-200
DCWV Neon Chic Stack
brushed corduroy stickles
Brushed Corduroy Distress Stickles
crystal stickles
Stardust stickles
white dimensional paint

tape runner-200
foam tape-200

basic brights
silver stickles
Silver Stickles
dark blue stickles
Dark Blue Stickles

Additional Supplies

Well that about covers it for today crafty friends! I hope you are inspired to think bigger, faster and easier when it comes to those larger projects! As always, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your crafty time with me. Be sure to come back tomorrow as I share another fun and hopefully inspiring project!  Until then,

2013 fall winter melsig-450


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