Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Quick and Easy Cards

Happy Tuesday my crafty friends!
Here is today’s Passage for those following along with the counting of the Omer and reading in Psalms with me.

Psalms 119:9-16 
9 How can a young man cleanse his way? 
         By taking heed according to Your word. 

10 With my whole heart I have sought You; 
         Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! 
11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, 
         That I might not sin against You. 
12 Blessed are You, O LORD! 
         Teach me Your statutes. 
13 With my lips I have declared 
         All the judgments of Your mouth. 
14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, 
         As much as in all riches. 
15 I will meditate on Your precepts, 
         And contemplate Your ways. 
16 I will delight myself in Your statutes; 
         I will not forget Your word.

As I said previously Psalm 119:11 is so special to me. It is one of the first verses I taught my little Prims when I was a “Sunday school” teacher. Oh the importance of having His precious word in our hearts. That way when the tough stuff of life comes against us, we have a deep well of hope, love, strength and peace to draw from. I pray that you will join me in working on continuing to “hide HIS WORD in our hearts. Blessings to each of you who takes the time to read His Word and Do HIS Word.

Now on to my projects for today. They are a couple of quick and easy cards that any crafter will need in their card-making arsenal. I recently participated in an online National Scrapbook Day event and one of our challenges was to do a birthday card. So I didn't want to take too much time as there were other challenges to get to. So this is what I came up with.

Here’s my first card. I used the Cricut Artiste stamp set and cartridge to create the cupcakes. I simply cut them out and then stamped in Pear Ink and Gypsy Ink . I then inked the Birthday Wishes stamp with some Lagoon ink. I used some of the (retired) CTMH Dotty For You paper . I then added a couple of borders of white cardstock using an EK Success border punch. Lastly I added a bow with some ribbon in my stash. I purposely picked colors that could be used for a boy or girl card.

For my second card, our challenge was to use: Pink, Blue, Green and Yellow. I used the same Artiste  cuts and stamp for the cupcakes. I did use some foam tape to give the cupcakes a little life.   This time I used some of the Crystal Blue Ink and some of the Blush Ink to stamp the cupcakes. The happy birthday sentiment was also stamped in Crystal Ink. I again used some of the retired dotty for you paper and then added a simple strip of yellow cardstock. Lastly I added a strip of ribbon and a pink plaid bow. Simply easy and quick.

Products Used For This Project

Artiste Bundle
dotty for you-200
Dotty For You Paper

crystal blue ink-200
gypsy ink-200

whimsy cardstock pack-200
white cardstock-200
tape runner-200

foam tape-200
memory book glue dots-200
ek double crochet slim edger border punch
EK Succes Border Punch

Additional Products
Misc. Pink Ribbon
Misc. Multi Color Ribbon

Well, I think this about covers it for today. Super quick, easy and cute! I hope it inspires you to get some cards done. As always, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your crafty time with me. Be sure to come back tomorrow as I share another project and hopefully some more crafty inspiration with you! Until then,
2013 fall winter melsig-450


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