Friday, April 26, 2013

Digi Desserts Fridaze

It's Friday and that means
  We have more wonderful digis to share with you today and are looking forward to seeing your digi project linked up as well.

Just a reminder:
All Link Ups and Challenges will be “monthly”
The designers will continue to post weekly (or bi-weekly for SVG's)
but YOU will have the entire month to link up.
You can read the specific details and view the prize package for April HERE
Now for today's designs created by our Digi gals.

PCW digi used: Roses Two-Double


PCW digi used: So Many Candles

PCW digi used: Sweet as Cherries


PCW digi used: Bear n Cake Slice

Details Post Coming Soon
PCW Digi Used: Friendship Watering Can (see below)

Here's this week's FREE image:

Click to Download
NOTE: the image will show a price of $1.00
but when you check out, it will be free during this link up.
Now it's your turn to play along.
Here are the specific guidelines for DDF:

*Must use a digital stamp image (receive 2 entries if you use a PCW image)
*You may enter two projects, but one must be a PCW image.
*Must be a NEW project for this Link Up; no backdated posts, please.
*Must have a link back to this post on your blog.
*Must link your project through Inlinkz and not just your blog.
*Must be a follower of this blog
Larelyn and the MPC digi gals


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