Monday, January 14, 2013

Cartridge Showcase : Mini Books

Welcome to our Cartridge Showcase this week featuring Jennie, from Java Jen Creations.  You are in for a special treat!!!  Take it away Jennie!

Hello everyone, and welcome to another Cartridge Showcase here at! Today I am showcasing the awesome Mini Books Project cartridge! There is so much wonderfulness on this cartridge! Mini Books are one of my favorite things to make so when this one came out, I just had to have it!! Let's get right to it!

(YES! There is an exploding box cut on this cartridge!)
 ---shown on page 11 of the handbook and assembly instructions are on page 17
 ---cut at 3.6"
 ---paper is K and Co.'s Life Journey Stack

Here is the finished box all closed up and embellished.

All pieces before assembly.

All put together!

PROJECT 2: Tag & Pocket
These would be great to make up and keep on hand to tuck into last minute gifts!
----shown on page 16, assembly instructions are on page 46
----cut at 4"
----paper is K and Co.'s Kelly Panacci Designer paper

PROJECT 3: Mini travel accordion album
This would be great to take on vacation and journal about all your adventures and then add pics when you get home!
----shown on page 13, assembly instructions are on page 27
----cut at 3.25"
----paper is K and Co.'s Brenda Walton - Around the World

Completed, closed album

Side view, open

Cover, embellished

Inside view of pages.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! For more pics and details, including why I chose K and Co.'s paper. Please come and visit my blog,  

-Java Jen

I told you that you were in for a real treat!!  Now I have been tempted again with a cartridge showcase.  I am going to have to have this cartridge.  So many cute ideas.  Please go and visit Jennie at her blog, Java Jen Creations  and leave her some loving comments. 

And please come back and visit us each day here at My Paper Crafting.  You will always be so inspired.  We are always happy to see you visit.



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