Saturday, November 10, 2012

25 Days Designers Announced

25 days designers-500
Good morning crafty friends,
Today we are announcing our special design team for our upcoming 25 days of Christmas and Year ‘Round Crafting Event.

This will be our 3rd annual 25 Days event. We are super excited and the designers have begun to work on their creations! It is so exciting to see the photos start rolling in. I can’t tell you how excited I am about their super creative work!

For those unfamiliar with our event, we showcase projects every day starting on December 1st (Day 1) and going each and every day through December 25th.  Everyday we will be offering a FREE Die Cut file, a FREE Digital Stamp and/or graphic as well as each week we will be offering prizes to those who are our followers and leave comments. In short, it is a spectacular event that will give you creative inspiration for the holidays AS WELL as ideas and inspiration for crafting through out the whole year! You definitely don’t want to miss it!

Be sure to be a follower of our blog AND sign up for our newsletter. We will be announcing our posts daily and leaving a comment every day when you pick up your free files will assure you a greater opportunity to win some of the prizes!

Without further adieu here is our list of wonderful designers!

charlotte wilson
larelyn Sartini
jennifer r2bw
lynn b-bw
madison b-w
nana conniebw
jess b-bw
olivia marmara-500
Christel web

jennie b-rr
nita turner rr bw
jen b-w
melinda beltran bw
Melin B.

Here is a blinkie for our event. If you would please help us spread the word and add this to your blog, we would appreciate it so much :-)

Direct Link:

Here is the HTML code in case you need that instead! Copy and Paste The following Code into an Html Gadget (Red)

<a href=""><br />
<a border="0" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a><br />

Be sure to mark your calendars and join us! Thank you so much for sharing your crafty time with us!
-Melin and the 25 Days Designers!


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