Wednesday, September 26, 2012

CWC #105: Apples or Honey

Happy Wednesday!  Welcome to another Wonderful Wednesday CRAFT WITH CUTTERS  weekly Design Team challenge.  In honor of the fall feasts of Yahweh (Yeshua, Jesus Christ our Lord), Yom Teruah (New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), our Designers are cooking with apples and/or honey. Apples and honey are used to bless each other during this time of year. They signify that you hope the recipient will have a productive (apples) and sweet (honey) new year . . . just wait until you see the tasty treats they've created!  YUM!!

Cricut cartridge used:  Preserves

Cricut cartridge used:  Paisley

Cricut cartridge used:  Just Because Cards

Cricut cartridge used:  Create-A-Critter

Cricut cartridge used:  Create-A-Critter

Cricut cartridge used:  Doodlecharms

Cricut cartridges used:  Just Because Cards and Country Life

Cricut cartridge used:  Imagine - Enjoy the Seasons

Now its your turn!  We'd love it if you would join us our our sweet salute to honey and/or apples -- you could be our next "Top Chef!"  Here are some guidelines:
  • Must follow the challenge topic.
  • Must be a NEW project for this challenge, please no back dated posts.
  • Must have a link back to this post on your blog. 
  • Must link your project through Inlinkz and not just your blog. 
  • Must use your Cricut in some capacity.
  • Must have fun!
  • You may gladly combine challenges . . . we love to pile it on TOO!
Thanks so much for joining us!  Don't forget to click on the Designer's name to head over to their blogs and leave 'em some sweet words of encouragement!  We hope you'll come back Friday for our Digi Desserts Fridaze!

~ CWC Design Team


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