Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Terrific TuesDIE E1 Spring Bunny Easel Card With Cottage Cutz Dies

Terrific TuesDIE E1 Spring Bunny Easel Card With Cottage Cutz Dies
Happy Terrific TuesDIE crafty friends!  I am thrilled to be sharing with you today. Tuesdays will be my new day to post over on the Cottage Cutz blog! For those of you that have followed my blog for a while, you know I used to do a weekly post called Terrific TuesDies. It was a post where I would fe…

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Spring Chickee Cottage Cutz Die Décor

Spring Chickee Cottage Cutz Die Décor
Happy SUPERBOWL Sunday crafty friends! I am not a super big football fan, even though it has been a big part of my home life....since forever...lol! My hubby, son and brothers all love to watch.... so they will be tuning in this evening.... How about you?  If I am lucky, I will be able to get lost …