Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Big Moving, Yard Sale. Need to Sell MOST of my crafty supplies!!!

Big Moving, Yard Sale. Need to Sell MOST of my crafty supplies!!!
Oh My Goodness...Where is October going. For those of you who visit my blog regularly, you may have wondered where I have been. I have not been online much this month as I am in the process of MOVING....UGH  After living in this place for almost 15 years, it is time to move. So that brings me to t…

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Monthly Challenge

October Monthly Challenge
Happy October crafty friends, The first of the month is always fun, it is the start of a new month filled with lots of fun crafting and a new monthly challenge!  This month, like every month is an anything goes challenge at the PaperCraftingWorld.com Design Team Blog .  We also include an optional …